Wish I Learned My Heritage Language When I was Young

Wish I Learned My Heritage Language When I was Young Maybe I’m being presumptuous, but I feel many older adoptees have similar thoughts as me when I think I should have learned my heritage language as a child. I was extremely reluctant to learn Korean when I was a child. It is one of my greatest regrets being so resistant to learning it. I ended up decided to learn Korean when I was 15, but I’m poor with languages, so while I am between beginner and intermediate, I still struggle with it. I wish I was forced to learn Korean when I was young. Would I have hated it then? Yes, probably, but with a lot of things you are forced to do when you are young, you end up appreciate it later in life. Now that I have embraced my heritage I wish I had the fluency in Korean to go with it. Sigh, I hope others don’t make the same mistake as me and learn their heritage language while young. At the very worst, it gives you another skill for a potential career. What is the harm in that?